the guys






   updates 09-14-03

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The ones that are true for sure have a (*) next to it.

*A fortune teller told them that they will only be successful if they stick together.

Jerry is homosexual.

*A two year old girl proposed to Vic when shaking his hand! She told him " I want to marry you when i grow up!"
* Vic is actually very different from Meteor Garden's Hua Zhe Lei. He's usually the loud obnoxious one cracking the jokes.

*Jerry's dream is to become a farmer and raise farm animals.

*Ken almost became a sushi chef.
*Vanness and Ken used to be very obese, but now they watch what they eat and exercise on a regular basis.

   meteor garden story


Chinese Name : Yan Cheng Xu

Chinese Name : Zhu Xiao Tian

Chinese Name : Wu Jian Hao

Chinese Name : Zhou Yu Min


F4 is made up of Vanness Wu, Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou and Ken Zhu. They started out as actors in the hit TV show, Meteor Garden. Each guy was handpicked to play in the TV show. Vanness was spotted when he was on the television show, Super Sunday's Search for Taiwan's most handsome man. Jerry  was actually a model for some time before he landed in the leading role of Dao Ming Si. Zhou was recruited when he accompanied his friend to the Meteor Garden's audition.  He was too shy to audition himself, but he couldn't hide from the producer's eye!  Last but not least, Ken was discovered while he was working as a captain in a Japanese BBQ restaurant. Because of the commotion and success of Meteor Garden, the four had captured the attention of Sony.  They signed a contract to record a Mandarin album even before they finished recording the TV show, and 2 others later! F4 becomes the most popular boy group in Taiwan when their debut album, Meteor Rain brought in a pre-sale bookings of 150,000. They even have their own Tv show called ABCDEF4 and are guest- hosts to many other Taiwan entertainment shows.  Their overnight, instantaneous fame has brought these four virtually unknown boys to limelight. There's no doubt that we'll be seeing much more of these guys.




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